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Assessment for Jane Doe

Sample Position (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Traits We Assess

Optimize Hire evaluates candidates on traits that evidence shows are linked to higher job performance across jobs. Below are the definitions of each of these important traits.

Traits Definitions
Sample Trait 1 Sample definition for Trait 1
Sample Trait 2 Sample definition for Trait 2
Sample Trait 3 Sample definition for Trait 3
Sample Trait 4 Sample definition for Trait 4
Sample Trait 5 Sample definition for Trait 5
Sample Trait 6 Sample definition for Trait 6
Sample Trait 7 Sample definition for Trait 7
Sample Trait 8 Sample definition for Trait 8
Sample Trait 9 Sample definition for Trait 9
Candidate Information

Optimize Hire collects important information from candidates when they apply. Below is all the information that the candidate entered into the Application Page. Review the information below for red flags that would bar the candidate from further consideration. For example, potential red flags could include: Salary Expectations, Availability, etc.

Contact Information
Full Name Jane Doe
Address 123 Main St. Raleigh, NC 27516
Phone Number 555-555-5555
Job Information
Experience Yes, I have previous experience.
Salary Expectations $30,000
Source ZipRecruiter
Skills & Certifications
Language Spanish
Certifications/Licenses N/A
Monday Available all day
Tuesday Available all day
Wednesday Available all day
Thursday Available all day
Friday Available all day
Saturday Not Available
Sunday Not Available
Employment History
Employer Name ACME Corporation
Job Title Manager
Status Currently Employed
Departure Reason N/A
Professional References
Full Name John Smith
Company ACME Corporation
Phone Number 333-333-3333
Full Name Susan Liu
Company EMCA Corporation
Phone Number 444-444-4444
Criminal Conviction No
Description N/A
Transportation Yes
Younger than 18 No
Work Permit Yes
Work Authorization Yes

After reviewing the information above for potential red flags, view the candidate's resume (see the Resume hyperlink in the Evaluate Applicants table). When reviewing the candidate's resume, again look for potential red flags including: job hopping (having multiple jobs of short duration), misspellings, etc.

Assessment Results
Your candidate had an overall score of 74
Overall Score (0-100)

The Overall Score represents a combination of all traits in the assessment. The higher the Overall Score, the more likely the candidate is to be successful in the job.


Green Lights & Yellow Lights

Green lights indicate that a candidate scored high on a trait. This interview guide is designed to help you probe further on the yellow lights, the traits needing further clarity. If a yellow light appears in the table below, then interview questions for that trait will appear in the following pages. Use the interview questions to gain better insight into this candidate.

Sample Trait 1
Sample Trait 2
Sample Trait 3
Sample Trait 4
Sample Trait 5
Sample Trait 6
Sample Trait 7
Sample Trait 8
Sample Trait 9

Comparing Candidates

When comparing candidates, do not compare green vs. yellow lights on individual traits between candidates. All nine traits are linked to success, and the assessment works better if you compare candidates based on overall scores. Higher overall scores are better than lower overall scores.


When reviewing candidates for a position, focus on the individuals with the higher scores first. However, it is still important to consider relevant job experience and culture fit for a role at Optimize Hire. The questions in this interview guide will help you learn more about the candidate.

Interview Questions

These questions are designed to determine the degree to which the candidate is likely to be a good fit with this job. Ask the candidate some of the questions below, take notes on the candidate's answers, and select the appropriate score using the rating scale below.

Sample Trait 1 Interview Questions
  1. What are you looking for in an ideal job? An ideal workplace?
  2. Tell me about the worst boss you've ever had. What made this person so bad as a manager?
  3. Tell me about your greatest strength. How has it helped you in other jobs?
Sample Rating Scale

Please rate the degree to which the candidate is likely to be a good fit with this job. Select a rating below.

Meets Expectations

Candidate seems excited about the company and our work environment. Candidate describes their preferable work environment that is similar to ours. Candidate seems inspired or energized by the work they do.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Candidate describes their preferable work environment that is not similar to ours. Candidate will work anywhere and doesn’t seem inspired or energized by the work they do.


Interview Questions

These questions are designed to determine the degree to which the candidate is likely to be a good fit with this job. Ask the candidate some of the questions below, take notes on the candidate's answers, and select the appropriate score using the rating scale below.

Sample Trait 7 Interview Questions
  1. Tell me about your greatest weakness. What concrete steps have you taken to work on this weakness?
  2. Why do you want to work for our company, as opposed to another company?
  3. Have you worked in this type of job before? What did you like about this kind of work?
Sample Rating Scale

Please rate the degree to which the candidate is likely to be a good fit with this job. Select a rating below.

Meets Expectations

Candidate seems excited about the company and our work environment. Candidate describes their preferable work environment that is similar to ours. Candidate seems inspired or energized by the work they do.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Candidate describes their preferable work environment that is not similar to ours. Candidate will work anywhere and doesn’t seem inspired or energized by the work they do.


Making The Hiring Decision

Based upon all the information you have gathered, please make a final recommendation.

Interview Guide Sections Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
Sample Trait 1
Sample Trait 7
Final Recommendation Hire No Hire

Candidate interview ratings and notes are maintained in your Applicant Tracking System.